Wednesday 11 April 2012

Day 2 Cape Town

After a good nights sleep it was time to start our touring, and today we had planned to drive first towards Simons Town to see the Cape Penguins in their natural habitats and burrows.

Simons Town Beach
More of the little guys

The Penguin Boardwalk
Lone Penguin
From Simons Town we continued further south towards the Cape of Good Hope and the Table Mountain National Park. As we travelled along the road inside the national park we saw our first monkey, cleaning the front of a VW bumper, must have seen some flies.

Inspecting VW Badge
Our next encounter was the long climb up to the viewing point and lighthouse at The Cape of Good Hope, The girls found this to be an exhausting trek as they approuched the final stages.


We noticed this sign advising that secret radar station had been installed as part of the defence systems during WW2, and from this point there was beautiful views over the Cape of Good Hope.

WW2 Secret Radar Station

Cape of Good Hope
Kath & Lynn at lighthouse station

Damp but still smiling

After the climb and time to take in all the wonderful views from the various viewing points, we found a cafe for a well earned rest and refresments, before our descent.

6037 Miles to London
Our next port of call was down to the coast line heading south looking to the most southerly point in South Africa, with the famous views of the Cape of Good Hope.

Surf at the Cape of Good Hope
Happy Days

Last point in South Africa

Not sure who ate all the pies
Ostrichs Kissing

As we drove away from the Cape of Good Hope we came across these ostrichs at the side of the road, I could not resist taking pictures, however I was very nervous the closer I got to these two beautiful birds, Kath was also quite apprehsive, as she was closer than me.

Pair of fine Birds

Cormorants on the rocks

Hotu Harbour on our return from the Western Cape
Before we headed back towards Cape Town, we also stopped off at Scarborough Beach.  By the time we travelled back towards Cape Town, we just had enough time to visit Table Mountain and take the cable car up to the summit for the views.

Sightseeing Bus at Table Mountain

Table Moutain Cable Car

View from cable car of World Cup Staduim

View of Cape Town from Table Mountain
Unfortunately the weather was not at its best, although it wasnt raining and the views were quite spectacular, we took as many pictures as we could to recall our time on the mountain, with the wonderful views. 

We all needed coats

Kath even went for the hoodie

Jeff at Table Mountain with World Cup Logo

Cape Town Harbour
What no coat!

Wind swept

Someone mentioned that this small animal is related to an Elephant (not sure of their name)

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