Thursday 12 April 2012

Day 4 Cape Town

This morning we tried again for the ferry service to Robben Island, as this would be our last chance, as we would have to start our travels towards the Stellenbosch Winelands district later in the day.

Victoria & Alfred Waterfront

Fortunately the ferry service was operating and we all boarded for the first ferry of the day at 09-00 hours for our trip to the prison museum on Robben Island.
The views from the ferry as we sailed away from the Victoria & Alfred Harbour of Cape Town with Table Mountain in the background were fantastic as the skies were clearing and it was to be a beautiful day.

View looking back towards Table Mountain 

Table Mountain from Robben Island

Where the prisoners would have landed
Exercise Yard
This picture was taken in the prison exercise yard, and the big guy with the yellow shirt on the right of the picture is an old political prisoner who now gets paid as a guide to take you round the prison grounds.

Early picture of a young Nelson Mandela on Robben Island

Prison Quarry
Nelson Mandela was often found to be breaking rocks in this quarry, between 1974 and 1990 and in his autobiography he describes this time as his "Long Walk to Freedom".

Nelson Mandela

Our tour of Robben Island took all morning, and it was very interesting, I would not have liked to have missed this opportunity to see Robben Island and learned some of the history behind the political figures and their struggles to gain freedom.
We pushed on towards Stellenbosch and the Winelands of the Western  Cape, we arrived at our hotel late in the afternoon, dumped our cases and bags in the rooms and headed off for some wine tastings.
This also proved to be too late in the day, however we did manage to buy some wine at one of the local Stellenbosch Vinyards.

Stellenbosch Hotel Plaque

Our Hotel proved to be an excellent venue for both wine and food and we all enjoyed a wonerfull meal.

Looks like everyone enjoyed the meal.

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