Sunday 15 April 2012

Day 8 Garden Route

This morning Lynn and Jeff decided to go for a walk in the Formosa Provincial Nature Reserve, which was just a short walk from our chalets. Kath and I decided we would go back to Storm Gorge and get an adrenilin rush early in the morning. Yes, but it wasn't Bungee Jumping for us. We had both decided we would go "Zip Wiring" across the gorges (12 in total)

All smiles now !!
This was really exiting and we were both looking forward to our first zip wire rides across the gorges, but first we had to cross a few rope suspension bridges to reach the platforms that were to launch us across the gorges.

Full Safety Harness and Crash Hats

Full harness and safety helmets, so now who was going to go first !! Obviously as a gentleman I let Kath go first.

Our Guide

This was Great

Kath did really well
                                                                    Difficult landing

This was just another highlight to this wonderful area in Tstsikamma quote " A jewel in South Africa, the Tsitsikamma National Park is a prime example of the country's unique fauna and flora and will offer unforgettable views and life long memories" They certainly got the life long memories right. Fantastic. 
Today was to be our last day of travelling along the Garden Route, as our final distination was to be Port Elizabeth, where we we due to fly to Durban just after lunch.
Along this part of our journey we made a small detour via Jeffery's Bay, which was a must really as Jeff had a whole Bay named after him !!

Jeffrey's Bay

Kia Sportage was our transport

The flight from Port Elizabeth to Durban was uneventful, however once we had collected our next Kia Sportage in Durban we felt unsure of our surroundings and driving through such a large and very busy multi cultural city. This only proved to us how easy it had been driving from Cape Town all the way to Port Elizabeth on the Garden Route.
Now the traffic was building up and people were buzzing around everywhere.  There were people pushing carts along the roads returning from a day at the market, it was quite an intimidating environment, wouldnt have like to have had a car breakdown here. The roads here were very busy and hectic, a typical city with all it's traffic problems.
Our hotel was also quite a long drive through the city, we drove passed what looked like some splendid beaches, the main beach is named the Golden Mile.

Golden Mile Durban

We were concentrating on finding our hotel the "Riverside Hotel" which was situated above the Umgeni River in North Durban.

Riverside Hotel Durban

Once we arrived at the hotel we had a lazy afternoon, with a few drinks and a look round all the hotel  pool and spa facilities.

Pool and Spa
We then showered and changed in preparation to venture out for the evening for the Indian meal we had been recommended earlier ay Knysna. The hotel staff advised that we should use a local taxi firm and make arrangements with the driver to collect us once we had finished our meal.  As it was Sunday they had a buffet style menu and you could each as much as you wished.  Jeff and I tucked in and tried most thing which was very nice, the girls didnt each quite as much as us guys, we did however all enjoy the tasy food.  The taxi collected us and back at the hotel we played cards for a while before retiring to bed, as tomorrow we would be travelling to our first game reserve, which we were all looking forward to.

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