Saturday 14 April 2012

Day 7 Garden Route

Breakfast was served early, which suited us, as we had a busy day infront of us, heading up the coast to Plattenberg Bay, but not before we had a seat at the front door. Which I thought would make a good picture.

Arrived at Plattenberg Bay, as the early mist was clearing, which gave us a wonderful clear view over the bay with the crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean.

Crystal Clear Indian Ocean
Spoke to a local guy that was pulling Oyster cages out of the sea, we and asked what this was for and he explained that it kept the oysters fresh for the local restaurants. The girls were sat on a bench taking in the beautiful views, with a fresh breeze blowing from the sea.

Beatiful views

Plattenberg Bay

Our next port of call this morning was the Birds of Eden Sanctuary, this had been suggested to us by the Asian family on the boat at Knysna as they had been earlier in the week and enjoyed it so much they said it was worth a visit.

Lorikeets Feeding

Exotic Crane

Every Colour
We travelled from the Birds of Eden towards Tsitsikamma Lodge, which was to be our next accommodation. We continued along the Garden Route, taking in all the scenery and views along the way.
At one point we came to the "Bloukrans River Bridge", which is where there is the world's highest "Bungee Jumping" site from the centre of the Bloukrans Bridge.The Guinness World records this at 216 Metres. We enjoyed the views and watched a few guys actually do the "Bungee Jump" while we were there, rather them than me, or any of us for that matter.
Not for the faint hearted!!!

Definetly not for us!!

After watching all the adrenalin junkies jumping off the bridge we continued on to Tsitsikamma Lodge, arriving just before lunch.  Accommodation in our log style chalets set in a forest location, which was absolutely brilliant. It would be drinks on the decking tonight outside our own log cabins, before trying out the restaurant.

After we had checked out our chalets, we set of to explore the Tsitsikamma Nature Reserve and drove down to the Storm River area, where the Storm River Gorge opens up into the Indian Ocean.  Glorious place, but first we had lunch at the restaurant overlooking some "awesome" views across the bay.
The following pictures are only a few of the many that I took, this is a happy snappy picture area if there ever was one!!

Baboon seaching for shell fish
Apparently this is quite common with the baboon's searching the seashore and rocks for shellfish for a change to their normal diet.

Lynn and Jeff decided to spend the afternoon relaxing at the Lodge, so after lunch we dropped them off and we picked up our swimming and snorkelling equipment and returned to Storm River for an afternoon climbing across the suspension bridges and swimming in the ocean.  The snorkelling wasnt very good as it had a very strong tide with plenty of surf.

Storm River Gorge

Where I went Snorkelling

Here's the proof !!

Kath trying out the suspension bridges

Further along the beach there were some caravans pitched up, what a wonderful place to stay and what a view they had.  They had the whole area to play, swim and explore. Would be nice to have somewhere like this to pitch up at home, don't think I can think of site as good as this !!

Nice Campsite what a view !!

Another one of these animals.
Who said their related to Elephants !!

Returned to Tsitsikamma Lodge to find Lynn and Jeff rested, we bathed in our jaccuzi bath, and dressed for dinner, but first it was a few drinks outside our chalets. Then we walking down to the restaurant for our evening meal in their beautifully decorated dinning room.

Chalet Bedroom

Drinks outside the chalet

More drinks in the restaurant

Wood Carvings

The staff kept us fed and watered all night
and look at the section of tree behind them

Finally to bed, but what a day !!

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